Friday, December 25, 2009

How to Cash-in with Blog Marketing in 10 Simple Steps

How to Cash-in with Blog Marketing in 10 Simple Steps

How to Cash-in with Blog Marketing in 10 Simple Steps

Many internet marketers neglect the use of a blog to drive traffic to their website and thus create an additional source of income. Whether you use a stand-alone blog or incorporate it as part of your website, both can help significantly to drive traffic to your site or to affiliate links.

If you haven’t got a blog yet (or are just starting one), here are 10 simple steps to get you started.

1. Decide on a Blogging Platform

The most popular blog platforms include Wordpress (WP), Blogger and Typepad. Out of these 3 Wordpress is probably the best in order to capitalize on the use of Wordpress Plugins to optimize your blog and use it as a social marketing tool.

2. Craft an RSS Marketing Strategy

Most bloggers either overlook or under-utilize the power of RSS content distribution. Take the time to craft and implement a full RSS marketing strategy. This will help you reach many new prospect and customers on a frequent basis.

3. Set-up RSS Autoresponder

You have to focus on consistent and repeated contact with your blog readers by allowing them to subscribe to your RSS feed by email. This will not only increase you brand awareness but also the length of time that readers will continue following you.

4. Implement a Blog Posting Strategy

You need to have a blog post strategy - for example, post once per week or post every 3 days. After implementing your strategy, refers to it regularly. Strategizing and implementing this plan will help you make consistent and regular post, thus keeping the content on your blog fresh.

5. Optimize Your Blog Posts

6. Create “Buzz” About Your Post

This will help you gain exposure and recognitions. You can increase your blog traffic by submitting your post to blog directories, social bookmarking sites and to RSS engines and aggregators.

7. Host a Blog Carnival

This is a great way to gain exposure and recognition for your blog

8. Create Forum Discussion Traffic

Take part and post in forums that pertain to your niche/topic to drive additional traffic to your blog

9. Create Blog Comment Traffic

Comment on other blogs for more traffic to your blog

10. Create Blog Trackback Traffic

With these 10 essential steps you will be well on your way to have a very successful and effective blog.

Samantha Fourie is an internet marketer than are using the Simpleology Cashmaps to promote her website. Get Your Free Cashmap

Samantha Fourie is a internet marketer than are using the Simpleology Cashmaps to promote her website.

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