Sunday, December 27, 2009

5 Ways to Build Your Incoming Links

5 Ways to Build Your Incoming Links

5 Ways to Build Your Incoming Links

By William Kroye Dapper

Are you looking to build the number of incoming links to your site? I have prepared 5 steps to build incoming links to your website or to your blog.

1.Reciprocal Linking - Link unto others as you would have them link unto you. One of the best ways to get on the radar of other bloggers is to talk (and to) them on your own blog. Generous out linking has a way of having pay offs to those doing the linking. Your primary aim should not be with the hope of getting links out of it but to find quality content to feed your visitors and your readers will love you too!

2. Article Directories - I really love this one. It works like magic. However m any have complained that it is less effective in terms of SEO these days due to the search engines discounting duplicate content - however it could bring in a few new readers if the articles get posted on the right site.

3. Social Media Sites - Some think the best thing about sites like Digg, Reddit and Delicious is the rush of traffic that they can bring your site. However the secret sauce is in the secondary link ups that can come from being featured on such sites.

4. Guest Blogging - There are many great things about doing a guest post (or extended guest blogging spot) at another blog in your niche. For starters it has the potential to lift your profile - but the secondary benefits include any links that you might be able to include back to your own blog.

5. Commenting - As you comment on other blogs, people will find your blog url and give you a visit.

William Dapper is a dynamic internet marketer, a blogger and an information marketer. He runs a blog for those who want to know everything about making money online. If you are not willing to spend any money to make money from the internet, then this site is for you.

Visit his blog now at

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